Every great thing can be made better, and that’s especially true for your car. Whether you're driving the latest and greatest model or an old-faithful, the right aftermarket accessory could assist in an emergency or just make life a little bit easier. Here are eight worth adding to your shopping list.

Dash cam

If you’re unlucky enough to be involved in a traffic incident, visual evidence could be vital. For peace of mind, a dash cam is a sound investment. Top of the range models can record vision from each side, not just the front and back, and some even have night-vision technology for crystal-clear imaging 24 hours a day.

Rooftop box

Packing a whole family's belongings into the car can be tough, but a bigger car isn't always the answer. These roof-mounted storage receptacles essentially give you a second boot to fill, which could make all the difference. Plus, it can be removed and stored when you don’t need it.

12V USB adaptor

Having a generous supply of in-car USB outlets is one way to keep the peace on long family trips. If your car doesn’t have USB outlets, an adaptor can turn the 12V outlet into a single, double or quad USB bank.

Escape tool

In car terms, an escape tool is something that allows you to cut a seatbelt or break a window in the event of an emergency. Mini versions can be attached to your key ring, while a larger model could be a valuable addition to your glovebox. Some also feature a torch, whistle or device charger.

Car desk/table

These attach to your car's steering wheel when you're parked, giving you a flat, stable surface for writing, eating or using a small laptop or tablet. A very handy invention if you use your car as a mobile office.

Portable head-up display

Head-up displays (or HUDs) project navigation and other information from your smartphone to a display mounted on the dash, so everything is in your forward line of sight. This is a great safety innovation and a legal way to get navigation assistance if your car doesn’t have an integrated system.

12V car air purifier

No-one likes a smelly car. Unlike air 'fresheners' that simply cover up the smell with an overpowering scent, these purifiers plug into your car's 12V outlet and banish odours with ionic air-treating magic.

Key tracker

If you spend five minutes looking for your keys each morning, this is an accessory for you. These devices attach to your keychain and work with a smartphone app, allowing you to 'ring' your keys using your phone or locate them via a location checker. You can also use the keychain tracker itself to ring your phone from your keys – handy if you tend to misplace your phone, too.

Viva Energy Australia Pty Ltd ("Viva Energy") has compiled the above article for your general information and to use as a general reference. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken by Viva Energy in compiling this article, Viva Energy does not warrant or represent that the information in the article is free from errors or omissions or is suitable for your intended use.